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[Witch Child | Celia Rees]
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Sexe: Sexe: Féminin
Inscrit le: 11 Sep 2006
Messages: 38
Localisation: strasbourg
Âge: 44 Poissons

Posté: Dim 26 Fév 2012 18:15
MessageSujet du message: [Witch Child | Celia Rees]
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Mary's grandmother is executed for witchcraft, and Mary is forced to leave her home to avoid the same fate. At first she flees to the English countryside, but when the atmosphere of superstition and suspicion becomes all consuming she leaves on a boat for America in the hope that she can start over and forget her past. But during the journey, she realises that the past is not so easy to escape.

Witch Child is a complex, absorbing novel, told in the form of pages from a journal found loosely sewn into an old quilt many years later. From the moment the story begins, the tension is tangible, and the reader is drawn into a world of mistrust and uncertainty that shakes to the core. All this is cleverly conveyed through the eyes of Mary, whose first sense of wide-eyed wonder gradually develops a mature understanding of her situation, drawing the reader in to a dark and dangerous world where the tiniest slip could mean death.

[Recherchez la page de l'auteur de ce livre sur Wikipedia]
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Sexe: Sexe: Féminin
Inscrit le: 06 Mai 2006
Messages: 1917

Posté: Dim 26 Fév 2012 19:24
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