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Ce livre est dans la bibliothèque de Brujula  

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Harvard professer Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call while on business in Paris : the elderly curator of the Louvre has been brutally murdered inside the museum. Alongside the body, police have found a series of baffling codes. As Langdon and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, begin to sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to find a trail that Ieads to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci - and suggests the answer to a mystery that stretches deep into the vaults of history.
TitreThe Da Vinci Code
AuteursDan Brown
Date d'édition01/01/2004
Catégoriepolicier/roman noir/thriller
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-cléssuspense, codes, societes-secretes, Opus-Dei, religion, Louvre
Note(s) de lecture   
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ISBN0552149519 (9780552149518)
BCID 2276562 

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