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Sarah Waters, the award-winning author of three novels set in Victorian London, returns with a stunning novel that marks a departure from the nineteenth century. Moving back through the 1940s, through air raids, blacked-out streets, illicit liaisons, sexual adventure, to end with its beginning in 1941, The Night Watch is the work of a truly brilliant and compelling storyteller. This is the story of four Londoners - three women and a young man with a past - drawn with absolute truth and intimacy. Kay, who drove an ambulance during the war and lived life at full throttle, now dresses in mannish clothes and wanders the streets with a restless hunger, searching...Helen, clever, sweet, much loved, harbours a painful secret...Viv, glamour girl, is stubbornly, even foolishly, loyal to her soldier lover...Duncan, an apparent innocent, has had his own demons to fight during the war. Their lives and their secrets connect in sometimes startling ways. War leads to strange alliances... Tender, tragic and beautifully poignant, set against the backdrop of feats of heroism both epic and ordinary, here is a novel of relationships that offers up subtle surprises and twists. The Night Watch is thrilling. A towering achievement.
TitreThe Night Watch
AuteursSarah Waters
Date d'édition01/01/2006
Langue du livre anglais
Note(s) de lecture   
Statut de lecture
ISBN1844082423 (9781844082421)

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