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Propriétés du livre

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Troubled teenager Adrian Mole continues to struggle valiantly against the stings and arrows of growing up and his own family's attempts to scar him for life.
In between the ups and downs of his relationship with the divine Pandora and worrying that his genius is going unrecognized. Adrian Mole chronicles the pains and pleasures of a misspent adolescence.
TitreThe Growing Pains of Adrian Mole
AuteursSue Townsend
EditeurPenguin Books Ltd
Date d'édition31/10/2002
Tranche d'âgeados
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-clésado, premieres amours, surdoue, angleterre, annees 1980, famille, ecole, mal-etre, humour
Statut de lecture
ISBN0-14-101084-3 (9780141010847)

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