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The Wave is based on a true incident that occured in a high school history class in Palo Alto, California, in 1969.

The powerful forces of group pressure that pervaded many historic movements such as Nazism are recreated in the classroom when history teacher Burt Ross introduces a "new" system to his students. And before long "The Wave," with its rules of "strength through discipline, community, and action, " sweeps from the classroom through the entire school. And as most of the students join the movement, Laurie Saunders and David Collins recognize the frightening momentum of "The Wave" and realize they must stop it before it's too late.
TitreThe Wave
AuteursMorton Rhue
EditeurPuffin Books
Date d'édition11/08/1994
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-clésnazisme, nazis, fascisme, endoctrinement, ados, elite, histoire
Note(s) de lecture   
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ISBN0140371885 (9780140371888)

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