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Ria and Marilyn have never met - they live thousands of miles apart, separated by the Atlantic Ocean: one in a big, warm, Victorian house in Tara Road, Dublin, the other in a modern, open-plan house in New England. Two more unlikely friends would be hard to find : Ria's life revolves around her family and friends, while Marilyn's reserve is born of grief. But when each needs a place to escape to, a house exchange seems an ideal solution.
Along with the borrowed houses come neighbours and friends, gossip and speculation as Ria and Marilyn swap lives for the summer ...
TitreTara Road
AuteursMaeve Binchy
Date d'édition30/04/1999
Langue du livre anglais
Langue originale du livreanglais
Note(s) de lecture  
Statut de lecture
ISBN0752826026 (9780752826028)

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